Kristina Hickling
When I came to AMS back in March of 2015, I was the heaviest I had ever been. Weighing in at a little over 230lbs, I had no energy and extremely low self-esteem. Simple tasks like, taking a walk on the beach with my husband, would leave me winded and in pain. I knew I had a weight problem for years, but would never admit it to myself. One morning, as I was getting ready for work, I looked in the mirror and didn’t recognize the person staring back at me. This person looked tired and was completely lacking that “spark” that I have always loved about myself. I made the decision that day that this had to stop and I would do anything to get my life back. With the help of my Mother I found AMS shortly after. I was nervous because I had tried other weight loss places before and they just never seemed to work for me. AMS was different though. The staff was amazing even from the first time I met them. They acted as if they had known me for years, and for me that mad all the difference. They were honest and let me know that it was going to be hard, but if I was willing to put in the work I would see the results. I felt confident after the first day that with my family and AMS in my corner, I could win this battle! The diet takes some getting used to, but you learn to love it. And the B-12 injections make you feel like a super hero! 7 months later I sit here having lost around 90lbs and I feel as if I could take on the world. I’m doing things now that I couldn’t dream of doing before. I thank God for AMS every day. They gave me all the tools I needed to succeed and wouldn’t have lost the weight without them.